Monday, July 7, 2008

She's Crafty!

I have had a serious case of I am here to boast on some of my latest projects. I have been intrigued for a while by the artistic endeavors taken on primarily by women in our history. These truly are the lost arts of domestic engineering and they are truly beautiful. To me, quilting, pie making, preserving, gardening and the like are activities that I can be a part of that connect me to a history of women who have been dedicated to keeping their homes safe and beautiful places for their families to dwell. The other appealing idea is that these tasks are functional. In a world where everything can be purchased, I am left with the question of what point is there in me staying home if there is nothing personal about the space in which we live? What legacy am I leaving that is more meaningful than that of babysitter and taxi cab driver?

All that said, here are some of my projects:

I made a quilt for the baby's room. It took some time, but not nearly the amounts that people think. A little here and there. The main requirement was leaving the sewing machine out on the dining table for a few weeks so I could use my snippets of time here and there. I think it turned out great. I took a quilting class about 6 years ago so I had some experience, but the main thing about this project was getting started. It is by no means perfect, but endearing just the same.

Ta daaa!

Another thing I have been obsessed with is pie making. I love getting my hands in the making of the crust. This one is truly a delicate art and one I have made my fair share of mistakes. For the fourth I made a peach and blueberry pie and my crust recipe was right on. This pie truly tasted as good as it looks! Yea! Laura said I should post my recipe, but some things are better kept secret...ha!

Anyway, we are all doing well and are waiting this baby. I am trying to look at childbirth with the same old fashioned view as my quilting and pies. That one is a little more difficult! No pain, no gain, right? Hopefully...?

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