Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter and Jekyll...Spring is here!

We had a great Easter and an even better Spring Break at Jekyll! It was so nice to get away and the beauty of Jekyll surpassed anything I could imagine. That place always amazes me with it's quiet, simple beauty. It truly is my favorite place in the world. I plan on being more poetic in the very near future...but for now I will leave it at that. I don't even know if anyone reads this, but I find updating it is a way for me to document all the little and big things. Maybe like I used to do in a scrapbook, but not as time consuming. Kind of like reminding myself..."Wow! I DO have a life!" ha... But seriously, the mundane of life can get in the way of seeing all the meaningful things you do...a string of meaningful events scattered among the everyday. They are all important and beautiful in their own way.

1 comment:

Perry said...

Hey! You went to Jekyll!?! No fair!