Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Consider it pure joy!

Passage: James 1:2-4

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature, and complete, not lacking anything."

OK...last night I perservered through a night without sleep. My brain was on speed! Not even about anything in particular. I have had this happen before and have gone into complete panic. I tend to overreact, if you don't know this about me. "I want to sleep...NOW!" But I tried to pull together all my calming resources and decided to just have a sense of humor about it. After a couple of hours of laying there in some kind of mind blazing confusion, I decided to get up, make a cup of decaf hot tea, finish valentines, fold clothes, and watch an episode of sex and the city. I even tried laughing at myself. It worked somewhat. I never got into a deep sleep but the hours seemed to while away in a timely manner, so it wasn't too bad. If it is one thing I have tried to learn...maybe I have learned, but application is a different story...is that attitude is everything. I was trying to pull this verse up from the dredges of my memory last night and couldn't get it. Then this morning while observing in Weston's class it hit me...Consider it pure joy....everything! Wow. Hard to do, but a command from God nonetheless. I will consider it pure joy to have perservered through a sleepless night and come out with folded laundry and completed Valentine's.

Tomorrow I visit our Montessori school and will have more to update on the Saga of First Grade!

1 comment:

LRSS said...

if it is any consolation, i am not sure how many hours of the last week I have truly slept. And my non sleeping has not been near as productive!