Friday, September 12, 2008

Fifth grade fun...

Quick update...we are doing great getting adjusted to life as a family of 6. Well, GREAT is obviously a very relative term. It's crazy. Brian has been traveling, I had mastitis (an infection of, yes, the BREAST) AGAIN, and the kids school lives are ramping all makes for some fun. I am learning to let things go and take a bit more "light" approach to life. Learning also is a relative term. Maybe I am becoming more aware of my need to learn these things!

Owen is memorizing Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and is doing a stellar job. He has apparently not inherited my fear of public speaking which I Forced myself to overcome for high school debate and theater. I have challenged him to a memorization contest and he is whipping my butt. But I will give myself credit...I am a bit busy. Anyway, as I have watched him work with these famous words I have been reminded of one of my favorite Fife moments! Thank goodness for youtube!

Alice is growing and will be 8 weeks tomorrow. She truly is a joy and I am amazed at how she is just one of us. Life's cool like that. She's here and although initially unexpected, it's like it could be no other way. Here's a pic of her little smiley self...

Signing off for now,