Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm Back!

Gosh, it's been so long since my last post, that I don't know where to start. For my own sanity I'll do a quick wrap up. Public school ended the year as mostly redeeming. Owen was accepted into gifted for next year, made some new friends and learned how to be a little more flexible in all areas. Weston's reading soared, he literally made a perfect score on the reading portion of the "BIG to do" standardized test the teacher was afraid he wouldn't pass because of different curriculum issues. He also has a boosted ego because he is competing with people more his own speed, instead of comparing himself to his main homeschooling peer, Owen. Miles is maturing and is so excited about being a big brother he could pop. Of course, she hasn't arrived yet, so we'll see what reality will do.

I am doing well. Still adjusting to the thought of doing all this baby stuff again, but trying to be understanding of the necessity of approaching each parent child relationship differently and not being too hard on myself that this one will be different. What with me having stayed home for 10 years already, I have definitely outgrown the phase of new motherhood, realizing the importance of taking some time for myself along the way. Everything is a transition which is the beauty I suppose. That said, i am getting so excited about this new phase of my life.

We visited Laura and Gwyneth in Virginia earlier this summer and had a lot of fun. We flew which was so worth forgoing the 12-13 hour drive for me and the kids. Here are some pics...

At home we have been enjoying Georgia, humid, sticky, green and WONDERFUL! I absoluely LOVE this time of year. Miles and I have cultivated quite a garden, I have been working on the baby a quilt and we have been reveling in a baby spider building a web on our front window...this one the baby of our mama from last year. It was such an affirmation when we spotted it a couple of weeks ago. I will add some pics of these also.

Hope all is well for whoever reads this blog...and keeps up with us this way. Oh and I didn't mean to leave Brian out...he is working harder than ever. My wish for him is a little more relaxation in the days ahead, but for now he is plugging away...
